Monday, August 10, 2009


I had a complete mental/memory meltdown today and couldn't remember where I put anything, what clothes I was wearing the last time I had what I was looking for, or which I had done first - go to Pride or to the physiotherapist. I also found 6 lip sticks/glosses/colours while I was having my meltdown.

I used to be able to recite every phone number and postal code I've ever had, and I can't do that anymore. I think my IQ has fallen 20 points just by getting MS.

My symptoms are mostly random in nature and don't last long. The knuckle of my right thumb randomly goes numb throughout the day. This is an improvement (?) because it used be the whole thumb. I lose my balance for no reason. My legs are stiff and awkward in the morning or long periods of sitting.

In approximately 12 hours Joe will be sitting down to do his last exam of this semester. At 4 PM I get my husband back for 24 to 48 hours before he sits down and starts making music for the whole break.

I have been given a mission while Joe's at his exam tomorrow. I am to fetch him some vodka and juice and have a drink ready for him when he gets home. This semester, while not as bad as the semester of biology, has been particularly rough. We have learned that Joe is not naturally a mathematician.

Doing my at home exercises prescribed to me by the physiotherapist have not changed anything yet, but they certainly haven't made anything worse. So I keep going, but I have to change that bike seat. I know that I could cycle longer if my bum wasn't hurting so much.

Donna's present is almost done, as is Shelley's and Sammy's. Donna's requires more time, Shelley & Sammy's requires a trip to the suburbs to get to a stupid craft store. I swear big box stores and their required large footprints are the bane of my existence. Though, it does make my non-Wal-mart streak of almost 4 years much easier to maintain. (Joe and I have had portraits taken there, but it turns out they aren't Wal-mart owned, just rent space. I haven't purchased a thing at Wal-mart since I watched WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price. That's coming up on four years this September.

But I digress.

I need Indian food and for Jason to let me bother him a couple of times this week. I promise I won't "poke him with sticks" kind of bother.

My life feels like an endless Tuesday, except the TV programs change.

The insomnia is back. The lack of appetite is back. I don't know what to do about either of those things other than to take drugs to make it go away.

I gotta go to bed to at least fake something close to sleep.

I think I need a rhinestone encrusted cover for my BlackBerry. Badly.

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