Wednesday, July 9, 2014

MS can suck my ass.

I'm really trying to think less violently. The past five days make that difficult.

Dateline: Friday, July 4 8:30AM

Wake up with massive amounts of shooting nerve pain in my right foot and in my right cheek.
Soldier on.

Do some work. View a little social media. Try to make some plans for the next week.

Dateline: Friday, July 4 2:30PM

Shooting pains are now in my calf, thigh, and right bicep. Every movement causes more. 

Tell spousal unit that I might be having an MS attack. The weather is fair, clear, and not hot or humid, so I freak. It's super painful. We have some lunch and head for the ER.

Dateline: Friday, July 4 9:00PM

Released from ER with a referral to a local neurologist, some drugs that are reportedly good for nerve pain, and a recommendation to lay off refined sugar and processed flour products because they both are bad on the nerves.

Find out from pharmacist that the drug is also a anti-psychotic mood stabilizer and anti-seizure medication. Have mild mental freak out.

Get home, eat fruit, take medicine, pass out within 30 minutes.

Dateline: Saturday, July 5 10:30 AM

Wake up after 11 hours sleep. Pain is still in my face and foot, but it's gone in my leg and arm. Notice that the drug bottle says to take twice a day. At 11AM I take the second dose.

Dateline: Saturday, July 5 12:05 PM

Pass out with laptop still on my lap.

Dateline: Saturday, July 5 7:30 PM

Wake up, have dinner. Do some work. Have a shower. At 10:30 PM take third dose of medicine, because it says twice a day.

Dateline: Sunday, July 6 10:30 AM

Wake up. Eat food. Try to do some work. Fail.
Lay down for nap at noon.

Dateline: Sunday, July 6 4:00 PM

Wake up from nap. Spousal unit asks if I have taken any medication that day. Respond in the negative. Fall asleep playing Pocket Mine on my phone.

Dateline: Tuesday, July 8 10:00 AM

Wake up to a pain-free body. Think that it is Monday. Text a colleague that I won't be into my public office that day when I find out its Tuesday. Spend day trying to stay awake and remember what happened yesterday. Go to bed at midnight.

Dateline: Wednesday, July 9 6:37 PM

Write a blog post about how fucked up my past few days have been and try not to rage against the bullshit that is the treatment of nerve pain.

I believe that my experience was caused by a combination of not having refined sugar (and the associated regular intervals of caffeine) and taking that drug. If this is the best they've got for nerve pain, then I'm going to have to reconsider living.

Today was better. No pain, just a little bit of fatigue, but I also had 2 cups of coffee with organic cane sugar in it, so I think that was the difference maker.

Goals for tomorrow:
  1. To get dressed.
  2. To leave house.
  3. To work on the backlog of stuff I didn't get done on Saturday through Tuesday.

MS can suck my ass.

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