Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I've known for quite some time that there's something missing from my life.

I think I know what I want to do, but as each day passes I'm certain that there's no one out there willing/able to pay me minimum wage to do it.

Speaking of minimum wage, my boss gave me business cards yesterday.

So I guess that's legit now.

I am constantly fighting the urge to Vaguebook. 

I'm not happy.

I'm tired of being told that it will be better next year. While it is better than it was five years ago, I feel like I've been circling the airport waiting for a place to land for half a decade. I'm almost out of gas, and I'm being told... just one more year.

A guy tried to kill himself by throwing himself into the Detroit River.

He didn't jump off anything.

He basically swam out from shore. The Coast Guard picked him because apparently the Detroit waterfront doesn't have a swim-up bar, and it's illegal to enter the US by swimming. 

Too bad that whole "Wet/Dry-Foot" rule doesn't apply to Canadians. Could save a whole bunch of future red tape for us.

Windsor is so close to Detroit that from one angle, as you look between the buildings downtown, that it appears the GM world headquarters is just a couple of blocks away. It's disorienting.

I listened to music today for the first time in... months. My ears have stopped hurting when the treble gets too high.

"Shuffle" decided that I needed to hear the music that reminds me of ex-boyfriends that lurks in the depths of my iTunes music listing.

Programmers at Apple are dicks.


This song doesn't remind me of any ex-boyfriends.

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