Saturday, April 6, 2013

BRAINZ! An Update

I had my 6th or 7th MRI since November 2008 today.

No contrast makes me happy. I don't like nursing an IV hole for three days.

My neurologist will give me The State of the Brain Address, as she does every year, on April 18.

My hope is she does not insist on referring me to the closest MS clinic to where I am moving. London, ON is two hours from where I'll be living and is NOT convenient. I would like a local neuro, and I'll get a referral to a clinic when we move closer to one.

One year ago I was flying to Chicago. I listened to Katy Perry all fucking day to celebrate.

I hope that dinner and some caffeine cures this tired I have. I have an art show to go to in a couple of hours.

1 comment:

  1. I had more than 6 MRI's in the first two years of being dx'ed with MS.I live in London! The MS clinic here is wonderful, if you take the drugs prescribed and are not in any way interested in a more natural approach to managing MS.
